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Six things to do with an old tablet

Got a new tablet to replace your old one? You can always give your old one away. Or sell it for second-hand use and get some monetary value out of it – though it's unlikely to be much. Another option is re-purposing it for your own use alongside your new device. Here are six things you can do with an old tablet you have lying around the house.

1. Get a Second Screen Setup

If you often do any work from home, connecting a second screen, even a smaller one like an older tablet screen, can boost productivity. Just orient the screen in the way you wish – but we suggest portrait. Then download one of the iOS or Android apps you'll need to pair your tablet with your laptop. Like iDisplay (via WiFi or USB), Twomon USB (for Windows not Mac), and Splashtop (a paid subscription version).  

2. Use as an Ebook Reader

You can use your old Android tablet as a cheaper version of a Kindle. The size is roughly the same as a Kindle and it's portable enough to carry around with you. It's definitely more lightweight than paperbacks and has the storage space for multiple books which you can switch between if that's your style. Just get one of the ebook apps from Google Play and download some digital books to read on it.  You can even adjust settings like brightness or font size according to your preference. 

3. Set up Gaming Station

This won't be for everyone, but you can just use this screen for games of any kind. Tablets from 2014 on have Snapdragon 208, 210 and 212, and Qualcomm 205 processors, which can support most game apps. Like mind games, strategy or adventure, board games, card games or online slots real for money. You can even get a Bluetooth controller and use the tablet as a stand for a retro arcade game experience.

4. Create a Digital Photo Frame or Mirror

As another mirror in the house and reminder of your present appearance, all you need to do is turn on the front-facing camera. Then prop it up wherever you want to in the house. Otherwise you can go for some memories on display. All you need is power, WiFi and your favourite photos stored in Google photos, Flickr or any another photo-sharing/storage. You can even get creative with a slideshow. 

5. Use as a Digital Clock

Just so you can avoid keeping your phone by your bedside, you can set the old tablet on your nightstand and just have it show the current time. And perhaps even set up alarms as necessary. You can download some nice tunes for this as opposed to the annoying tones you may get otherwise. There are also apps you can download which not only display the time but also the weather and other handy info.

6. Free-standing security cameras

Older tablets have decent 10 – 12 MP cameras which can easily be used for home surveillance on the cheap. Just download the free IP Webcam app or get the $4 pro version and follow the on-screen instructions to set it up. You'll be able to start viewing several areas in your house from any browser in under an hour.