Opinion By Don Braid 1100 Views

Don Braid: Federal electricity rules spark the return of defiant Danielle Smith

Draft federal electricity regulations “will not be implemented in our province — period.”

That was Premier Danielle Smith talking. The sovereignty act leader is back, just when many of her earlier fans thought she’d gone missing.

Where this goes can’t possibly be known. The electricity battle is too complex to handicap the horses. By the time it plays out, today’s nags could all be out to pasture.

But Smith insists that under no circumstances will Alberta comply with federal rules demanding the provincial electricity grid be net-zero emissions by 2035 — even though the feds say natural gas could still fire electricity under strict conditions.

“The draft federal 2035 net-zero power grid regulations are unconstitutional, irresponsible and do not align with Alberta’s emissions reduction and energy development plan that works toward a carbon-neutral power grid by 2050,” Smith said in a statement.